The great advantage of a detailed and self-manageable Client and Client-staff database, allowing to all user to be the only one to see only the authorized information.
The most advanced idea for a nearly real time price-self service application, allowing a safe access to authorized users and the faster possible validation of a wide range of combination-mix among services, prices and countries covered. Not only a price list, but also your faster customized cost forecast.
The widest choice of combinations among services and consulting, with the advantage of independent consultants on demand only if and when necessary.
An extensive coverage with the full transparency of distinction between countries assisted by own direct offices or network correspondent in sub-contracting, under our own responsibility, coordination, training and professional liability insurance coverage.
Not only web-badge attendances and timesheet management, but also reconciliation of billable and not billable activities and database analysis for HR performance evaluation and merit plans; multicountry, language and time zone.
Customizable database management for recruitment, selection, training, evaluation all joined under a centralized individual and companies/ groups database.
Integration with any local payroll software by a dedicated and extended data import-export platform, to simplify attendances data import and any customized data flow and reporting export, also in the control panel.
GSI / Global Services Interface is a an efficient integration between a CRM (‘Customer Relationship Management’) and an ERP ('Enterprise Reources Planning‘) software-system, planned and developed from our outsourcing group, from our experience since 1969. A consistent investment in our own software sources and internal IT team, no external provider involved, in the last version of Dot.Net Microsoft, cloud or local resident. A continuous evolution by our daily implementations to grant fast updates to any market change/need and to grant our Clients the best time to market, no inefficiency of the external IT supply chain, a timely and affordable customization flexibility for any Client, planned expressly to import and export data from any other database and CRM-ERP.
Imagine where it would be more useful to concentrate your or your staff activity. We are ready to offer you what you need for a price which will be much lower than your saving in ‘hidden indirect costs’ ! Let us help you to bring these last in evidence!
Management and control of any supply chain performance and data.
Integration of the time management section with the calendar-events management, typical of several enterprise departments like marketing, sales, training, HR, corporate, finance etc.
An extensive overview on local rules and legislation from anti-money laundering, to anti-bribery, privacy, IT safety, work safety and gevernance responsibilities.
An all inclusive organization of the dataflow exchange for Staff and Clients needs related to: IT system administration daily assistance (hardware & software/ client-server) - Web system administration/ implementation assistance - GSI system implementation & testing assistance - Client extra services and consulting on demand
Safe access to the ‘work in progress’ status of each ‘ticket/ activity‘ authorized and started, to optimize the‚ user/client audit‘ and decrease the ordinary correspondence by e-mail.
The dream of the management; gathering the‚ key performance indicators‘ daily to focus the activity where the enterprise needs it.
Claims and escalations management to ensure an overall control which can keep monitored the periodical trends of suppliers/correspondents, agents, partners, staff and Clients.
Automatic export of the ticketing and transformation in invoicing, with possible export of the related data into accountancy and control panel.
The improvement of our performance is proportional to our ability to share knowledge ad preserve in the medium-long term talents, passion and experience, deriving from our multi-ethnical origin and international goals.
Please, spend some time to get familiar with GSI and test our services. You will feel that this will be the minimum standard that any competitor will need to grant you to leave us! This will be also our best grant that most of our competitors will not be able to supply the same ideal combination among:
CRM - ERP Design deriving from international and multi-disciplinary and daily operations experience; created since its birth to EVOLVE daily, following the principle of the ‘six sigma’ theory of Toyota to reduce mistakes, allow to each employee and contractor of the network to propose proactively at anytime improvements by the internal ‘web-ticketing’ system, which allows the management to evaluate daily any proposal and escalate the same for immediate development or update. The system is in this way improving every day and at the same allowing the rewarding of the best advisors, increasing motivation and quality at the same time!
Internal or external Clients of the company are assisting to an hystorical change of the work philosopy : the system is telling the operator what to do and when and not the opposite ! Human mistakes possibilities are drastically reduced, by audio, video and IT system warning messages, celebrating success and positively blaming mistakes, transforming the same in opportinities of improvement!
Each Operator is forced daily to confirm or estimate how much time has been dedicate to billable or non billable activity, and to detail for each of the two possibilities, which kind of activity has been supplied, in favor and by order of whom, for how long. In this way by the pre-filled system tables, the system can identify pricing, fix and variable cost and rough profitability per each task, project, activity, cost center, person, team, worksite, unit, department etc. and create automatically standard reports, which can be entered in the ‘monthly management control/ dashboard panel’, to satisfy any more customized desired level of control. This will allow of course periodically also any comparison among different resources, or resources with similar activities or workloads or charges, to fasten the process of identification of the ‘rotten apples’, allowing the management to improve the turnover efficiency and positive working climate, incentivating high performers!
© 2015 HTLC Network Group Holding AG
Swiss Registered Trade Mark n. 672 295